CARPAS collision avoidance

Privacy Policy

With our Internet presence we pro­cess per­sonal data according to legal pro­visions - in par­ticular the Euro­pean Union's General Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR).

Data Processed

The servers of our websites' hosting provider auto­mati­cally collect and record the fol­lo­wing data trans­mitted by vis­i­tors of our web­site: IP-address, time and date of visit, requested file and protocol, type of browser, version and where applicable operating system, name of the Internet Service Provider or host­name of the visi­tor and web­site from which the visi­tor was re­ferred to our web­site. This data is asso­ciated with other data only in the scope of reg­is­ter­ing the country a vis­i­tor's domain, host­name or Inter­net ser­vice pro­vider can be asso­ciated with in order to be able to measure the reach of our website.


The purpose of pro­cess­ing this data is to ensure the func­tion and safety of our web­site as well as to measure its reach.

Period of Storage

The IP-address of our websites' visitor is collected and recorded for the duration of the visit only. Following the visit this IP-address is stored in our log files in an anony­mized way so it does not rep­re­sent per­son­al data any more. In certain cases - when legal pro­vi­sions require to do so - an IP-address may also be stored without anony­mization.

Legal Background and Objection

pro­cess­ing this data is necessary to safe­guard legitimate interests (see Purpose) of our company or a third party. As these interests over­ride interests, funda­mental rights and freedoms of our website's visitors we process this data according to article 6 para­graph 1f GDPR. Since pro­cess­ing this data is un­avoidably necessary to operate our web­site and safe­guard its function and security visitors may not object to its pro­cess­ing. Still you have the right to request information about the pro­cess­ing and storage of data related to your person, recti­fication or deletion, limitation of its pro­cess­ing as well as being forgotten. Should you think we pro­cess personal data in lack of compliance with the law you have the right to file a complaint about this at a supervisory authority.

Commissioned Data pro­cess­ing

Our website is hosted by a provider with which we main­tain a contract for com­mis­sioned data pro­cess­ing in order to protect data pro­cessed according to the require­ments of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Third Countries

pro­cess­ing of this data may also be per­formed in a Third Country (which is not a member of the Euro­pean Union or the Euro­pean Eco­nomic Area). However this will be done only if the Euro­pean Com­mission has ruled, that the respected country offers an adequate level of data pro­tection.

Objection to Marketing

We herewith explicitly forbid to use contact data published on our website for marketing purposes. This includes any kind of unrequested approach (e.g. by telephone, fax, letter, or e-mail) which serves the intention to offer us goods or services or simply to generate awareness of such (e.g. referrals to events or investment oppor­tunities).


Oliver Kittan, Mettlacher Str. 38
90469 Nuremberg, Germany
tel.: +49 (911) 48 64 790
fax: +49 (911) 48 64 797